Sunday, January 4, 2009

101 Things in 1001 Days

I came across this project in the form of a Live Journal Community and I decided it sounded like something I'd really like to do. It took me a while to make my initial list. First, I had trouble coming up with ideas, then I had too many and had to figure out which ones to cut. Overall, I'm happy with my list, but I still feel the horrible urge to go back and revise a few items (or replace them entirely). I'm thinking of coming up with a bonus list of ten extra things, but I'll decide on that later.

Right now, my list ranges from the very difficult (pass the bar) to the easy, fun things I never seem to find the time to do (going to the zoo). While I'm currently working on a few items, I'm in the planning stages on others. I want to approach the list as methodically as possible, so that I get as many things as possible completed before my deadline (September 29, 2011).

For the next ten days or so, I'm going to go through the list and create a game plan for each of the items. I'm also going to establish firm criteria for some of the more vague items. Since I've divided the list in to categories, I'll do the first category (nine items) today.

1. Get through Law Essay Exam Writing System (LEEWS).
2. Learn how to use Microsoft Office 2007 (especially OneNote) effectively.
3. Have perfect attendance in one class.
4. Work with Street Law program.
5. Do externship.
6. Create resume.
7. Graduate law school.
8. Pass bar.
9. Work with at least two pro bono groups in addition to Street Law.

Some of these are pretty easy or require minimum planning. Some are pretty far into the future. Still, I need to get a plan and start crossing things off.

Get Through LEEWS
This one is pretty straightforward and time sensitive. All it's going to take is a couple of days, but it needs to be done in the next two weeks so I'll be ready for the next semester of classes. I'm going to set a goal of doing this one on Tuesday through Thursday of next week.

Learn how to use Office 2007 effectively.
Again, straightforward yet time sensitive. I'm fairly comfortable with Word and Excel, but I'm don't use Power Point and OneNote nearly as efficiently as I'd like. I have a feeling I'll be doing more with Power Point professionally and OneNote is an amazing notetaking tool (and I recently found it was useful for other things). I'd like to do this before the new semester starts.

I'll need to pick up a good book on Microsoft Office and work through it. I need check the bookstore tomorrow and make plans to work through it after I finish LEEWS (next Friday onward).

Have perfect attendance in one class.
This is simple enough: go to class. I'm trying to decide if I should count my once a week class on this or if I should apply it to the classes meeting twice week. I think I'll shoot for Health Law, since there isn't a good commercial outline for that.

Work with Street Law Program
This is pretty much set up. I need to respond to a post on a website, wait for a reply on an email, and go to a training session. After that, I'll be assigned a group.

Do externship
This summer would be an ideal time for this. I need to attend the presentation for it this spring, talk to the professer, register for a class, and find a good placement.

Create resume
I might need this for the externship, depending on where I'm placed. I should see what resources the law school offers.

Graduate law school
I'm basically on track for this. It's going to take a lot of work, but not a lot of planning. At this point, it's just go where they tell me to be and read what they tell me to read.

Pass bar
This is a long way off (a year and a half), but I need to start thinking about this. I need to decide when I want to take it and if I want to take multiple states. After that, I need to send in my paperwork and register for a bar review class (probably BarBri).

Work with at least two pro bono groups in addition to Street Law.
This is mainly aimed at law school, but it could apply after. I need to look at the list of pro bono groups at the law school and find the ones that look interesting, then contact the person listed to get more information. I should probably try to start by this summer.


Based on this , I have a list of several things I need to do and a vague timeframe for doing them.

By January 12
Finish LEEWS
Buy Office Book
Complete One-Note Section of Office Book
Fill Out Info for Street Law
Check and return email about Street Law

By February 1
Attend resume seminar.
Check bar exam deadlines.
Register for bar review course.

By March 1
Check Pro Bono website and pick at least two groups to contact.
Find out exactly where I can get an externship.
Register for bar

By April 1
Contact possible externship opportunities.

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